Fly crashed

April 9, 2013
by Wm. Josiah Erikson (wjens)

Flashing caps lock and Scroll lock, no signal to VGA… nothing weird in the nagios graphs to indicate why

5 Responses to “Fly crashed”

  1.   wjens Says:

    Rebooted just fine. Doesn’t give me a warm and fuzzy feeling….

  2.   wjens Says:

    Well, /var/ was full. Could have something to do with it. It certainly prevented mysqld from running. Cleared out some cached RPMs and rebooted again – we should clear out /var/spool/tractor as well. Next time I reinstall fly, remember not to make /var a separate partition – SO DUMB.

  3.   wjens Says:

    Also, note for the future: /var/ being full and mysql not running broke the check_nodes check (as well as the rocks command in general). Now, why is homedir ownership broken??

  4.   wjens Says:

    Turns out that it was about the hostname of the head node, which didn’t match the nodes. It has to be .local in both cases – it was set to on the head node, which is slightly mysterious, since /etc/hostname contained “fly.local” and nothing else.

  5.   wjens Says:

    Also, restarting NFS doesn’t restart rpc.idmapd – there’s a separate init script for it – /etc/init.d/rpcidmapd

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